Wingnuts Furious: 'Cultist' Mitt Romney To Spew Inoffensive Pablum At Liberty University Commencement
Living Jesus Jerry Falwell has taught his students too well: his invitation to presumed GOP nominee Mitt Romney to give the commencement address at Liberty "University" has resulted in a 700-person freakout on the school's MyFace page. Mormons, cult, booo! said all the students,according to CNN. So that must be why the only notice on the page now regarding commencement is one announcing the bacchalaureate speaker the day before -- a good evangi who is not Mitt Romney and not a Mormon and not even (presumably) a Scientologist! Oh man, sorry you did such a good job indoctrinating your students, Liberty. How good a job? Students are complaining that Mitt Romney is backed by billionaire liberal Nazi collaborator George Soros . That is some good indoctrinating! And? There are even complaints about Liberty's non-Christly drama production of Peter Pan . Oh, COLLEGE!
Here are some of the students' complaints, before Liberty scrubbed them:
“Liberty University should have gotten a Christian to speak not someone who practices a cult. Shame on you Liberty University.”
“I am glad I am not graduating this year. I would not want to end my studies at a Christian university by being sent in to the world at commencement by a Mormon. We came to Liberty because of our faith in Jesus; not for political reasons.”
“I am glad that my husband and I won’t be attending his commencement. Mormonism is not Christianity. My commencement is next year. Hopefully they choose more wisely.”
And here is the complaint about the obviously Satanic drama production of Peter Pan, which features fairies, pirates, Indians, and NO JESUS.
Do you believe in fairies? NO, KILL THEM! [ CNN ]
Realizing an error and admitting an error are two different things, however. As Moses Invests said below, using "Jesus Killers" was an easy way to whip up the rubes.
<i>Romans who killed Jesus</i>
Yeah, I know that. Everyone knows that. Everyone that is except for frothy evangelical christians and Opus Dei type anti-semites.