Good heavens! Thiselectronick"" reporte suggesteth that regent-lord HRH Peggington Noonington, chief wordsmithingtonshire of theWall Street Journalbanking pamphlet, is a Communiste, as though She keepeth court withtextile-crafftersorChicagoe Africkans.
Her Highness Queen Noonington also doth not beareth the street-commoner name "Patty." Wereth that her name, She wouldst have killedington'd Herself in theWarr of Spainery Shipps, or perhaps atThe Deville's Cliffs à Do-ver.Thine "" magicko-light'ning machine must apologizeth to Madame for this dread-full smearity post haste, lest She informmeth her Barrister to proceede a Suit-of-Laws.
[ ABC News ]
And because of it, I had a drink this evening while watching Dame Noonington on This Week. She .. Just.. Speaks..... So .... Deliberately...
Maybe I'm drunk, but I only understood about every 5th word of this post.
Work, booze, work...