Why is Ronald Reagan always trying to wage class warfare on executives paying less than their secretaries? Why does he want to punish people for success, by making them pay the same tax rate as a bunch of unemployed losers, like you? Why does Ronald Reagan hate Mitt Romney, and America? Maybe when he was naming names to Joseph McCarthy and HUAC he should have named HIMSELF! Watch Ronald Reagan gay-marry Barack Obama and Warren Buffett (Mormon-style!) after the jump!
Here is Ronald Reagan -- known labor-unionist! -- just cold being a super pinko commie Stalinite Trotskyite Leninist Marxist Maoist Bolshevik Liberation Theologist red. BURN HIM.
[ ThinkProgress ]
Funniest thing you&#039;ll read all day: <a href="http:\/\/communities.washingtontimes...\/neighborhood\/general-factotum\/2012\/apr\/15\/how-romney-will-win-womens-vote\/" target="_blank">How Romney will win the women&#039;s vote</a>
(Just pretend it is satire, since it&#039;s just as ridiculous.)
<i>Romney, with his experience in getting a popular (and constitutional!) health care reform plan implemented at the state level, is the perfect candidate to talk about effective reforms at the nationally.</i>
The best part, for me, is that these plagues were prophesied by them godless, socialist, Merka-hatin&#039; climate scientists (you know, the ones who can&#039;t possibly be right about global warming.)