Utah Makes Alarming Pivot to 'Dirty Hippie,' Wants Veto of 'Don't Say Sex' Sex Ed Bill
As Utah goes, so goes ... well, not that many other states really. Bit of an outlier, that one, with their 35 percent 2008 Bammerz vote, and their million wives each, and their habit of actually paying for porn. But in an actually surprising move, a near-supermajority of Utahanswant their governor to veto last week's Lege-approved "Don't Say Sex" Sex-Ed bill. (The bill would ban mention of contraception, homosexuality, or sex in any context other than the marital bed, even if a student asks.)
If Gov. Gary Herbert wants an opinion on whether to sign a recently passed sex education bill, he has plenty to choose from: Lawmakers have made their cases, more than 35,000 people have signed an online petition urging Herbert to veto the bill, and various groups have taken sides.
On Monday, a new Brigham Young University poll joined that list. The poll shows that 58 percent of 472 voters surveyed agree or strongly agree with the statement, "Public schools in Utah should teach about the use of contraceptives."
Just about nobody thinks Utah's governor will actually veto the bill, of course, becausehellgolly, look what happened to Bob Bennett. (Don't worry, it's only a Stalinist "purge" when it's Joe Lieberman.) [ Salt Lake Tribune, via ThinkProgress ]