Washington Post Columnist Richard Cohen Calls Sarah Palin and Entire GOP Stupid Ignorant Liar
You guys, I'm worried about Richard Cohen. You used to be able to count on the man to bring his A-game to vapid columns of wishy-washy meh. But last week, he urinated on Ghost Andrew Breitbart, and now he's jumping up and down screaming obviously true things about America's Sweetheart and Supreme Leader of the Dark Lord's Army Sarah Palin! Pull up a chair, and let's have a look-see!
With her selection as John McCain’s running mate, American politics lost its way — and maybe its mind as well.
The movie portrays Palin as an ignoramus. She did not know that Queen Elizabeth II does not run the British government, and she did not know that North and South Korea are different countries. She seemed not to have heard of the Federal Reserve. She called Joe Biden “O’Biden” and she thought America went to war in Iraq because Saddam Hussein, not al-Qaeda, had attacked on Sept. 11, 2001. Not only did she know little, but she was determinately incurious and supremely smug in her ignorance.
At the same time, she was a liar.
You will not get an argument from Wonkette, Richard Cohen! But Grampa, tell us about the time Palin's selection ruined Republican politics!
Apres Palin has come a deluge of dysfunctional presidential candidates. They do not lie with quite the conviction of Palin, but they are sometimes her match in ignorance. As with Palin, it seemed hardly to matter. Herman Cain for a while was a front-runner. He had a nonsensical tax plan, zero knowledge of foreign affairs and had never held elective office. Yet, for a brief but terrifying moment, many Republicans were saying he should be the next president of the United States.
Rick Santorum knows his stuff, but his stuff includes a wild denunciation of John F. Kennedy’s famous speech about the proper role of religion in public life and a characterization of President Obama as a snob for extolling the value of college. Newt Gingrich has the wattage to be president, but so does Hannibal Lecter, if you get my drift. As for Ron Paul, he appears to be running for president of some theme park.
Cohen promises that if Dems are really good, they can learn the same lesson Republicans have:
Since Palin, though, ignorance has become more than bliss. It’s now an attribute, an entire platform: Vote for me, I know nothing and hate the same things you do.
So you guys, has Richard Cohen had a stroke, or is it like one of those Jim Carrey movies (every Jim Carrey movie for the past 12 years)? Enquiring minds want to know! [ Washington Post ]