Extremely wealthy people discard their own spouses and children as easily as they discard thousands of factory workers. They feel absolutely no guilt as they scheme and connive, and they will rip off other rich people in massive Ponzi schemes with as little feeling as they'll rape their housekeepers. The rich strap their supposedly beloved family pets to the top of their expensive cars for days at a time, and find the animal's resulting terror and diarrheafunny. The rich are different, that's for sure -- they lackmorals. This is the not-so-surprising result of a study by scientific academic people at a university somewhere.
Scientists at the University of California at Berkeley analyzed a person’s rank in society (measured by wealth, occupational prestige and education) and found that those who were richer were more likely to cheat, lie and break the law than those who were poorer.
“We found that it is much more prevalent for people in the higher ranks of society to see greed and self-interest … as good pursuits,” said Paul Piff, lead author of the study and a doctoral candidate at Berkeley. “This resonates with a lot of current events these days.”
Oh,Berkeley. Whatever, hippies. Rich people get everything because American Jesus-God only loves the 1%. The rest of you can rot in Hell (America 2012). [ ABC News ]
People agree that criminals are evil.
So we can also agree that some people are more evil than others.
Jews are doing evil to Gentiles around the globe.
Therefore, Jews are evil to us.
If you are a Jew, then you may think you are doing only good.
i don't agree that criminals are evil. Behavior is evil.