Republicans Just So Sick of Obama Campaign's Racism Against Latinos
What is wrong with Barack Obama campaign manager Jim Messina, that he thinks Latinos are all about chimichangas? Latinos are all about TACOS, you moron. How racially insensitive can this guy possibly be? Let's check Messina's original comment for further outrage!
Feel free to notice the swelling in your eyeball veins any second now:

DIOS. He's going around quoting lines from the staff racists at the Washington Post. APOLOGIZE FOR QUOTING KKK GRAND WIZARD DANA MILBANK, HATER SLOB:
"The fact that the campaign manager of President Obama's reelection campaign thinks it's appropriate to disseminate insulting jokes about the Hispanic community is a perfect example of the kind of empty rhetoric that characterizes this White House's so-called outreach to Latinos. We demand that Mr. Messina immediately apologize and we ask that President Obama disavow his campaign manager's ridiculous statement," said Jennifer Sevilla Korn, executive director of the conservative Hispanic Leadership Network, in a statement.
These people with their "empty rhetoric." HOW DARE THEY.
But let us not miss an opportunity to double our outrage, dear readers. Gird yourselves and then read with disgust Milbank's original cruel joke from his column, the moral equivalent of ten million recreational abortions:
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) spoke about the wonders of his state. “The lettuce in your salad this month almost certainly came from Arizona,” McCain said. “It’s also believed that the chimichanga has its origin in Arizona.”
The chimichanga? It may be the only thing Republicans have left to offer Latinos.
Oh god. Of course. John McCain had to bring up ARIZONA again. No wonder everyone's offended. [TPM/ The Hill]