Irani Twitter freedom fighter Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Michigan is running for Senate now and goddamnit he will win, after producing this comically racist ad about the job-stealing Asian clown ladies who talk funny and hope you die of unemployment.
Look at this Asian gal riding her bike through a burnt-over hellscape of plants and cocaine, directing her trash talk towards The Occident. She thanks Michigan Sen. Debbie "SpendItNow" for her fancy Asia job and then speaks some broken English: "Your economy get very weak. Ours get very good. We take your jobs. Thank you, Debbie Spenditnow." Why hasn't a robot death bird taken either of these people out yet?
And hooray, there's a companion racist website dedicated just to this racist ad:
This is offensive. The universal bad political play on Debbie Stabenow's name is "Debbie StabMeNow" and Pete Hoekstra should resign and go to Gitmo forever, along with this sassy bike lady, for coming up with something even lamer.
I once saw Cormac McCarthy in concert once and he said the average Amercian could be eating a cheeseburger while sitting on the back of a cow and not make the connection.
Gah...this asshole and the people that fall for the ad make my fucking head explode. Who's fault is it that our jobs went overseas? Hmmmm, let's see. Reagan made it easier for companies to go offshore and as they did, people lost their jobs. Living now on reduced income, they turn to the Walmarts to buy stuff. Walmart bullies manufacturers into cutting costs forcing them to locate overseas thus pushing people even further down the income ladder. Lather.Rinse.Repeat.
I hate them all.