Searching for the final nail in the coffin of Rick Santorum's political career, there appears to be a solid contender in a CNN interview Piers Morgan conducted with the Republican candidate ahead of the South Carolina primary. The liberal network OBVS wanted to get at Santorum's extremely conservative views, but the response Santorum gave on the matter of abortion is so heinous it might terrify the viewer away from anything associated with the video, namely, Rick Santorum, walls, picture frames, CNN (again), Piers Morgan (again), lights, chairs, clothing esp. sweater vests, microphones, moving images, air, words, YouTube, television, electricity, sounds, Earth and the Internet.
Yes, the titular proclamation in this post is bad enough, but Piers Morgan asked Santorum to clarify his stance on abortion, which meant that Santorum droned on for a good minute, claiming that his stance has nothing to do with his religious views, then dropping the world "God" in there anyway.
The worst part (arguably):
I’ve always, you know, I believe and I think the right approach is to accept this horribly created — in the sense of rape — but nevertheless a gift in a very broken way, the gift of human life, and accept what God has given to you.
Some presumptions here, which of course are in keeping with the Santorum schtick: women are subordinate to both men and children; the "crime" of abortion is worthy of more drivel than the crime of rape; on top of the shame of being raped, a woman is apparently going to have to live with the shame of having given up the unborn child of her rapist, so why not just have the kid, who is someone she never asked for in a million years, anyway?
Really, just wonderful stuff here. Can't wait for TONIGHT! Which we will be live blogging, btb. [Think Progress]
It could still happen, Jerri. Nobody ever went broke underestimating the frothiness of the American public.
"accept what God has given to you."
This is possibly one of the most hateful things I have ever read.