Fred Karger Achieves Dream of Beating Bachmann In At Least One Primary
SHAME on your Wonkette for forgetting to follow up on the final results for the 9th thru 87th place finishers in the New Hampshire GOP primary! Well anyway, here is the "important" part: the (openly) gay dude beat Michele Bachmann! She quit the race several days before the primary of course, but that is SO not going to spoil Fred Karger's party.
From the Advocate:
"Congresswoman Bachmann was in 12 national debates, raised $10 to $12 million, received massive news coverage, has huge name ID and we beat her in New Hampshire," Karger cheered in a statement. "Early last month I said that I wanted to beat Santorum or Bachmann in New Hampshire. It's a big win for me."
A fair enough point. A search of the Wonkette archives turns up several million weepy posts about Michele Bachmann's lunacy, and a whole one about Karger, whose actual official campaign slogan is "Fred Who?"
Well now we have the answer: "Gay man Fred Karger, who is better loved by New Hampshire Republicans than famous homophobe beard Michele Bachmann," is who. DON'T PICK UP THE PHONE, Fred Karger, if Marcus Bachmann calls to offer a special concession kiss. [Twitter/ Advocate]