Rick Santorum Pleads With Voters To Call Him 'Intelligent' Just For Once
Laughingstock wingnut Rick Santorum is still running for President? Really? Well according to the filthy sign he is holding up in this photo, he is! No one really knows why, since the cabal of nuthatch Iowa evangelical pastors who might have supported him have officially formed a groupie mob and run away on tour with equally insane person Michele Bachmann to help her shill her book or something, and all Rick now has left is... what, his collection of fetus jars? But while Rick apparently hasn't clued into the hilarious/disgusting joke of the sign he is clutching so enthusiastically, he has managed to come to the glum conclusion that people think he is a moron. So he will tackle the problem by begging voters to call him "intelligent," based on his, uh, brilliant new plan to prevent terrorism by harassing brown people at airports.
From the Des Moines Register:
In taking questions, Santorum defended his past remarks in support of profiling people as potential terrorists at airports, saying “Of course not” when asked by a woman whether everyone who looks different from him should be profiled.
“This is common sense. You have to look at what the profile is,” Santorum said, suggesting that if a certain group of people were blowing up buildings they should be subject to profiling.
“I don’t want to be called a xenophobe. I want to be called intelligent,” he added, explaining he wants to protect the United States of America.
Oh who are we kidding, we do not care about Rick Santorum's self-esteem problems. We mostly wanted to post the fun photo going around the message boards, weeee! [Des Moines Register/ Democratic Underground via Wonkette operative "Monsieur Grumpe"]