Sarah Palin Reduced To Hosting Dinners At Disneyworld
Damaged-goods dingbat Sarah Palin is so unpopular and forgotten these days that only Florida's state GOP wants her around, at a trade-show rubber-chicken dinner, at Disneyworld. Palin has apparently accepted an offer to jabber for a few minutes in exchange for a platter of convention food and a bag of soiled dollar bills. But she's not even the Star Attraction! According to the event's flyer, printed out in Microsoft Word by a temp employee, evil cue-ball Rick Scott and one of his fake minions ("chairman Lenny Curry," sure) are the actual headliners.
"This gala dinner comes just a year before one of the most important elections in Florida and the nation's history," said RPOF Chairman Lenny Curry. "Having a Republican leader of Governor Palin's stature and importance is yet again proof of the crucial role Florida will play as the year unfolds. We are so grateful that Governor Palin has accepted our invitation."
"So grateful," meaning, "Herman Cain wanted two hundred dollars." [ Tampa Bay ]