This is "politics news" insofar as we know that 126.9% of you Wonketteers would not even be reading this post right now without some kind of Apple device that also enables you to continue the grueling daily process of existing, so let us all take a moment to say goodbye to Apple founder Steve Jobs, who passed away today at the age of 56. Oh ha ha, does everyone remember that time that Obama tried to bribe America to love him with free iPads? None of this could have happened, without Steve Jobs.
Here's the official thing on the Apple website:

[ Business Wire / Apple ]
I always thought the Amiga was the better computer. But, when you're dealing with consumers, better doesn't always win.
RIP Mr. Jobs. Your innovation will be missed. Who will China corporations copy now?
Were it not for Steve, you'd still be looking at a C: prompt every time you (re)booted your PC.