Oh yawn, here is another Tea Party person who has taken to The Facebook to say possibly inappropriate things about our President and First Lady. What are they this time, socialist Kenyans? Hitler and Mrs. Hitler? WRONG! They are people who should be pushed out of a moving aircraft, according to a terrible joke that made its way around The Olds' Facebook circuit.
The chairwoman of the Sumter Tea Party is taking some heat after posting a joke on Facebook about killing the president and first lady.
Shery Lanford Smith posted the joke on her public profile Thursday afternoon, according to a screen-capture taken by the Sumter Item's Nick McCormac. Smith removed the post after being asked about it.

The joke has been circulating for years in various forms which have included the names of multiple political figures. "It's just a joke," Smith told the Item when contacted about her post. "I had no idea it would be an issue."
Smith was elected chairwoman of the Sumter Tea Party in February 2011, according to the organization's now-defunct website.
How sad that these people can spam everyone with scary jokes on Facebook but they can't keep a Tea Party web site up and running. Oh well, where Maxine Waters is sending them , there are no web sites. [ WISTV ]
SB: Molly Ivins (rest her soul!) was responsible for spreading that story. The tape of Boss BlunderRush actually saying it was never found - and there is no other evidence I've seen that he did and said it.
There is so much terrible stuff BlunderRush actually did say (such as Jackie Kennedy didn't love JFK because the day of his funeral she gave John John his birthday party - he was 4) nobody has to make up anything.
The real thing will do just fine.
UoO: You're on to something here. When the joke was on Silent Cal, the First Couple was probably riding a train - with windows that actually opened.
Airplanes haven't had doors that open during flight since D.B. Cooper took his leap of faith. Windows, not since Goldfinger.