Frothing gremlin mosh pit "the Tea Party Caucus" is psychologically composed of the shrill, whiny kids on the playground who were already yelling "socialism!!!!" by age four when the teacher tried to give another kid a turn on the swings at recess, so here we are today with your adult-size whiny children complaining they won't vote for John Boehner's debt ceiling bill because it includes $17 billion in funding for Pell grants, small federal awards which average around $3,700 per college student annually and help over a quarter of college students. This is pretty much a steal compared to the $12,613 that the government spends in Medicaid funds for an unplanned pregnancy, but there is that weird playground nightmare still playing over and over in the Tea Party collective unconscious, so money for college is just "welfare."
From the Hill:
Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) has compared Pell Grants to “welfare”.
"So you can go to college on Pell Grants — maybe I should not be telling anybody this because it’s turning out to be the welfare of the 21st century," Rehberg told Blog Talk Radio in April. "You can go to school, collect your Pell Grants, get food stamps, low-income energy assistance, Section 8 housing, and all of a sudden we find ourselves subsidizing people that don’t have to graduate from college.”
Yeah, let's skip all that and go ahead and do a nation of illiterate, starving, homeless pregnant people freezing to death. [ The Hill ]
Now those are beatitudes with attitude!
The ironic unspoken bit in the first poster's comment: he seems to think that this is only going to hurt liberals. Because, you see, looking around in his own life, only liberals and elitists go to college. Not hard working Americans like himself.
I am guessing this hard working American's profession didn't require a whole lot of higher education to get started doing in the first place. Also, I am guessing this hard working American doesn't contribute all that much to the bottom line of tax revenue in this nation, and any "tax increases on the rich" would happen more than a few brackets up from him.
I could be wrong, but I know I'm not.
The disinformation factory turns out wicked bitter shits like this. Just smart enough to know that it IS in fact somebody else's fault they aren't prospering, but just stupid enough to get mesmerized by their teevee box when it points as the poorz as the reason. Just smart enough that "Step 3: PROFIT" could potentially, theoretically, happen to them, but just wicked enough to think that they need to sabotage others to ensure their reward.
Fortunately for the Kochsters, hard working Americans like him have completely forgotten that old adage about "divided we fall."
Enjoy tearing your neighbor's throat out over the last stale Slim Jim, dumbfuck.