INSTANT COMEUPPANCE, BIYOTCHES. The killjoy police chief who fined a 65-year-old woman for hanging red Truck Nutz off her pickup truck turns out to be a bit of a "Joe Walsh" himself. He was tossed into the clink for owing $15,000 in back child support payments that he hadn't paid since 2006. Is it sheer coincidence that he was finally arrested mere days after he decided to hunt down Truck Nutz? TRUCK NUTZ 1 POLICE 0.
Berkeley County sheriff's deputies took the chief of Bonneau's police department to family court Wednesday and held him there until he came up with over $15,000 in overdue child support.
Judge Wayne Creech found Chief Franco Fuda in contempt of court and gave him the chance to pay what he owed to an ex-wife in Illinois before sending him to Berkeley County Detention Center, according to court documents.
According to court records, Fuda kept up with his $275 per-month child support payments from December 1992, when his wife gained custody of their infant son in their divorce, until January 2004, when his payments became more sporadic. In June 2006, Fuda stopped paying altogether for at least three years, records state.
[ The Post and Courier ; thanks to Wonkette operative "Chuck H."]
Awwwwwwwwwwwww. Damn you. Awwwwwwwwwww.
Well they ain't the salt of the earth anymore, maybe the Cheetos of the parking lot.