According to this important email from Michele Bachmann's campaign, she is going to win Iowa and then whatever other states are part of America. She is a uniter, not a divider! (As long as you're an "ex-gay" who helps her collect foster-parenting money, as a "small business.") And this strategy is working with the nine Republicans in Iowa currently paying attention to the presidential election, which takes place in exactly a year-and-a-half from now.
A new poll reveals Rep. Michele Bachmann has surged to the lead among likely Republican caucus-goers in Iowa.
Bachmann, an Iowa native who now represents a district in Minnesota, has built a lead over former Gov. Mitt Romney, who is focusing more on New Hampshire after a bitter and costly defeat in Iowa in 2008. Romney holds a huge lead in Granite state polls, although Bachmann has surged there too.
According to the new poll, Bachmann has built a four point lead over Romney, 25-21.
So, 25% in a poll two summers before the election equals Winning Big. Maybe Zombie Reagan reallywillhave to be raised from his watery tomb and made to run against his actual child, Barack Obama.
And here's her fantastic new commercial, which lists all of her political experience: foster parent, lady, born in Iowa. Hey, they used to say Reagan was just a foster parent lady, too! Andhenot only got elected, but hedestroyed America.
[ LAT ]
They emerge white, which is what really matters.
What does Medicare/Medicaid pay for a prayer voodoo session? And when did being gay qualify as a medical condition?