Sirens woo woo BREAKING NEWS update: did you know that 1960s New York City was dirty, and Hollywood actresses have sex? In a detail from her upcoming book that was surely picked at random, not to promote the book whatsoever, Florence "Mrs. Brady" Henderson reveals that she got the crotch crickets this one time she sexed New York City mayor John "Poor Man's Roger Moore" Lindsay, and it was as foul and sleazy as you would expect. Typical dirty New York liberals:
"I was lonely. I knew it wasn't the right thing to do," writes Henderson, who was married at the time.
Henderson returned home after the romp. When she awoke the next morning, she spotted "little black things" crawling over her body.
Henderson immediately called a doctor who helped her get rid of the tiny parasitic insects also known as pubic lice.
Lindsay, ever the politician, sent Henderson flowers and an apology letter.
[ NY Daily News ]
You know who else damned us people?
Knowing <i>anything</i> about Sarah Palin&trade; and her family is TMI.