Here's a crazy thing, as opposed to all theothercrazy things: We read those reports about the iPhone tracking your every move and then saving the entire geographic/time details of your daily activities, and we thoughtHmm that sounds familiar guess it's old newsand then the editor of Metro Jacksonville wrote and reminded us that wehad written about this, on Wonkette, four years ago. But we didn't actually know for sure, it was just kind of an edumacated guess, based on AT&T's long record of clandestine surveillance of its customers, so that it can give the government info on you, to put you in FEMA moon camps forever.
In case you missed the Guardian story from England, here's the relevant nugget:
Security researchers have discovered that Apple's iPhone keeps track of where you go -- and saves every detail of it to a secret file on the device which is then copied to the owner's computer when the two are synchronised.
Maybe you can buy an App to turn it off?
And here's our not-paranoid-in-retrospect stuff from June 2007:
How does this expensive “miracle gadget” do so much domestic spying on you? Well, to use the iPhone you must sign up with AT&T, the telecom that has been tirelessly working with the National Security Agency’s warrantless wiretapping program, which has installed massive data-mining and recording machinery on AT&T Internet hubs in every major American city.
The day is coming when we must all either put these things in the e-waste bin or just have them sewn into our face. But in the meantime, somebody in the government is actually looking into this, for the sake of The Consumer! Guess who it is? HINT: Paul Wellstone is dead. [ Guardian / Metro Jacksonville ]
true selves ??? What part of truck nutz did you miss?
Sorry ass face, I still see plenty of ads. Thing is, they're ads about books, which is probably why you don't see anything.
If you miss your ads about diapers and tuna fish, I'm sure you could find the appropriate web pages. Just don't let the librarian catch you looking up ads of babies and diapers lest she get the wrong idea. You never know what someone will think when they see a lonely drifter looking at pictures of babies.