WorldNetDaily has a sense of energy about it these days, fueled by the discerning public's new appreciation for the art that is birtherism. "Compare the Flex Belt & Contour Belt – 2 leading ab belts," its front page proclaims, educating the abless on exciting innovations made in 2003. Yesterday, it announced that stuffy American scholar Charlie Sheen had seen Donald Trump on teevee and begrudgingly accepted the birthers' conclusion. Today, it says chief MSNBC grandfathering correspondent Pat Buchanan has also decided Obama needs to release his birth certificate. Wait, wasn't he just criticizing Donald Trump for doing that the other day? Yeah, but he forgot. He's not really sure where he is or what he's saying these days.
Buchanan, of course, is a WND columnist himself. The last op-ed we saw on there was him arguing that American schools are struggling because they have too many minority kids in them. Pat Buchanan is "Leaning Forward" out of his chair and is about to fall into one of those modern chamber pot things you find in nursing homes.
But there are moments of lucidity. Just two weeks ago, he was sitting in the corner of the MSNBC Morning Joe studios napping when he heard the younger guys jabbing at Donald Trump on the birther issue. Wanting to fit in with the hip 50-year-olds, he sat up his chair and said this to Trump:
“But, you know, Donald, they would have to travel, you’d have to bring the kid out of Kin-ya, and bring him back to the United States. You’ve got documents for all that, do you not? I mean, the mother would have to travel within a short period of time. There would be records of all of that.”
Fast forward two weeks, and this is now Buchanan's position:
He really has no idea what is going on. He will just pick up any narrative thread he hears and goes with it. Cue this Ali G video up to 2: 20 and listen to Buchanan expound on the problem of Saddam Hussein's BLTs:
Isn't this why our country has Social Security? Put the man on the dole and give him a nice sandwich. He'll be just as happy. He doesn't belong on television. [ WND ]
"Put the man on the dole "
Or, you could put him on a Bob Dole if you get my meaning, if you catch my drift.
well to be fair, they DO have orly taitz to balance it all out.