The Ku Klux Klan, LLC. has not or EVER will have ANY connection with The "Westboro Baptist Church". We absolutely repudiate their tactics of protesting the funerals of U.S. soldiers, men and women who die serving our Nation. We do NOT question their Christianity or right to speak, publish or preach. We agree with many of their teachings, especially that Homosexuality is an abomination before Yahvey God the Father.
Whew. Almost thought they were gay. Good thing they cleared that right up.
The Ku Klux Klan, LLC. Does NOT support or represent the "TEA PARTY". Our Associates, members and supporters are here officially ordered: NOT to attend Tea Party events or support them in ANY way. The Tea Party does not represent any but a shallow limited political agenda, which fails to serve our Nations interests. They are an extension of the Republican Party and seek to compromise it. We do NOT support any political party, all have betrayed the trust of the American people, and they have compromised their agenda to support the Progressive Socialist enslavement of the American people.
Haha, they just called the Teabaggers socialists. THIS is a fight we want to see. (And maybe it would give black people a little respite?) Where's Think Progress on this? They need to introduce the Teabaggers to few KKKers and film it for our enjoyment. [ KKK via Reddit ]
This is prime Wonkette meat.
Oy, gestalt!