Well that worked! Alleged "natural-born citizen" Donald Trump, if that is his real name, has been appearing on Fox for the past few weeks to say increasingly ridiculous things about President Obama's birth and Muslims and the like, a sort of unpaid Fox contributor internship. But now, thanks to his good performance, he has been hired for a part-time gig as one of the resident Fox & Friends idiots. Congratulations, terrorist!
Supposedly Fox News' policy was to cut its contributors who are considering presidential runs, but that was at least a week or two ago and conditions on the ground have changed. Thank goodness. Because he won't be on any terrible Fox News show, either. His weekly segment will be on Fox & Friends, the network's illiterate dementia variety hour. "Monday Mornings with Trump," as it will be titled, consolidates three of Americans' least favorite things into four words. Have you set your TiVo yet?
More like have you set your TIME MACHINE yet ! Is it humanly possible to wait until Monday?
Meanwhile, questions remain about Trump's birth certificate. We still haven't seen photos to verify that he actually ever was a "child," as his most recent certificate says, a document that also doesn't disclose any of Trump's real estate holdings or current profession as a fake presidential candidate fake fake celebrity. HMM. It would be so easy for him to clear this up. He's clearly hiding something. [ Gawker / Mediaite ]
jim newell is good people.
As long as there are questions about Trump's birth certificate, I will refer to him snottily as "Donald Soetero MacLeod".