Repugnant slob Bob Parsons somehow has this huge Internet domain business, "Go Daddy." You probably have some web domains registered there, if you have web domains. Here is what this guy did, recently:
Multi-millionaire creep patronizes the most oppressive, vicious government in Africa toslaughter elephants, for fun. And yeah, this is the same cretin who writes insane racist/sexist bullshit on hiscompany blogand puts incredibly offensive/sexist ads on the teevee.
If you've got domains registered through this Go Daddy craphole, you might want to move them. Wonkette uses Namecheap, which is offering a very pain-free way to transfer your domains from Go Daddy. (This is not an ad, we are just repulsed by Go Daddy. If you have another easy/moral way to transfer domains, please put it in the comments and we will update this post accordingly.)
Here's the ABC News report:
Well, I tried to move my domain, whatever, but I couldn't figure out what they wanted at the Name Cheap site.
One day this Bob Parsons fellow will be dead himself. Maybe via a painful, terrifying myocardial infarction, or perhaps from a long, drawn out battle with a horrific, rare form of untreatable, hideous, sanguineous ass cancer; but anyway! point is this: one day he will be dead and there will have been more humans mourning the loss of this elephant than of him. And this knowledge gives me <i> some</i> consolation.