Do you people want somegoodnews (sort of) for a change? Because you're all sogloomythese days, it's crazy. Here's Willie Nelson singing the old Fred Rose tune, "Blue Eyes Crying In the Rain." If he sings this to a judge, the current marijuana-possession charges will be dropped. (Willie must pay a hundred dollars, too. Government always wants Shotgun Willie's money.) Wouldn't it be grand if all the million or so Americans in prison for drug possession could just sing themselves back home, before they die?
Oh well, we couldn't even get through the fun Willie Nelson post without a commentary about poor people and working people thrown behind the walls of corporate prisons because they're not famous enough to be freed in exchange for a lot of "feel good" news stories. Willie deserves his herb and so do you. [ Spinner ]
Bonus Song: Willie and Dylan doing the Willie and Merle version of the late greatTownes Van Zandt's "Pancho and Lefty":
We like Steve Earle's recent version a lot, too.
Sorry, but the definitive 'Pancho and Lefty' is by Emmylou Harris.
I've loved me some Willie for decades, and I've been listening to reggae almost exclusively for a couple of years now, but I was unaware that Willie had done a cross-over, let alone that he started the project in 1995. I only just discovered the bluegrass albums of Led Zep covers this month. Even when they are only partially successful, I really like these sorts of inter-cultural musical meetings. Like Taj Mahal and Toumani Diabate. There's something about finding common experience with someone different from oneself that appeals to me.
Unless they are Muslim. I hate discovering my common humanity with fucking Muslims.