GOProud/Andrew Breitbart's "Big Party" last night was the happening CPAC place to be, because it had an open bar, and because the people there were capable of not shouting about abortion to random strangers every five seconds. Also, your Wonkette caught up with its dawg, Michael Steele, who has opinions about Sarah Palin's sexy body, apparently. That's him in the photo, pictured with his newest intern, some kind of gelatinous pale monster head.
A word about Sophie B. Hawkins. Michael Steele, who was chairman of the RNC until last month, showed up at the party and stayed a while. Right before I showed up, in an exchange witnessed by several people who described it to me, Steele met Hawkins. She explained her political philosophy to him.
"I'm not a conservative," said Hawkins, "but I'd like to [expletive] Sarah Palin."
Steele reacted quickly. "Well, she's very attractive," he said.
"I am in favor of substantial buttocks, and I cannot tell a lie. You other brothers cannot deny." — Michael Steele [ Weigel /photo courtesy Wonkette pal Will Sommer]
Say what you like about Mike...but he seems to be a good sport. Must be all of the bondage lesbians that puts him in a good mood.
It was more the admission that she's all style and no substance. No one could come up with an good argument for her political success. That, and it settled the argument. Men are just as vulnerable, if not more so, to a candidate's attractiveness. "women are still fucked today"...that could be good, depending on your meaning.