Keith Olbermann is expected to announce his new teevee home base sometime today, and many teevee experts believe he will join Current TV, the "public affairs channel" that Al Gore invented to help spread liberal Sharia. And now that Keith isn't oppressed by the MSNBC Corporate Yoke, he can finally tell the news the way it's meant to be told: in the nude, as a CNN hologram. Will Keith's teevee groupies follow him to this obscure television station? And how many Al Gore carbon credits does it cost to purchase an episode ofCountdown with Naked Keith Olbermann , on Pay-Per-View? [ NYT ]
Fox News does special undercover investigative journalism on some silly iPhone immigration video game .mp3. [ Fox News ]
Bank of America will stop offering reverse mortgages! This is bad news for the olds who enjoy being seduced by promises of Cash Now while watching the History Channel at 4am. [ McClatchy ]
Dammit I was hoping for Naked Hour with Anderson Cooper instead.
<i> Fox News does special undercover investigative journalism </i>
Is this &quot;special&quot; as in unusual or &quot;special&quot; as in <strike>retarded</strike> mentally challenged?