George W. Bush's dumb "autobiography" -- is it just what it appears to be (a middling bunch of common knowledge and previously published anecdotes slapped together by ghostwriters and editors) or is it apostmodern masterpiece?
Decision Points flaunts its postmodernity by blurring the distinction between fiction and non-fiction. That is to say, the parts that are not outright lies – particularly the accounts of Hurricane Katrina and the lead-up to the Iraq War – are the sunnier halves of half-truths. The legions of amateur investigative journalists on the internet – as usual, doing the job the major media no longer perform – are busily compiling lists of those lies. Gerhard Schroeder has already stated that the passage in which he appears is completely false. And even Mother has weighed in. Interviewed recently on television, she said she never showed Junior that jar, but maybe ‘Paula’ did. (It was assumed we would know that Paula was the maid.)
The most bizarre thing about Decision Points, according to this reviewer, is that Bush the supposed author repeatedly uses dialogue from Bob Woodward's books about the Bush presidency -- and Woodward is notorious for inventing his dialogue based on after-the-fact interviews with people who may or may not have been around when the event in question happened. Whut? [ LRB via The Awl ]
Now you&#039;ll get the Palinistas on your ass for equating Bush with Trig (or Trip or Trik or whatever-the-fuck she called that kid).
Can I get some &quot;decision points&quot; to add to my &quot;p&quot; points?
Bush is laughing all the way to the bank. His &quot;book&quot; is #2 on Amazon (12/24).
I dunno about &quot;post-modern&quot; or &quot;classic&quot;. But political books today are immune from accuracy; they only need orthodoxy. Personally, I think this is stronger on the right, but I&#039;m just pulling that out of my ass.