According to some guy on Tumblr: "How long was I in Virginia before spotting a handwritten, misspelled Tea Party message on a dry-erase board duct-taped to the back of a truck? Literally ten minutes."
If you can't read this (elitists need a special pair of populist 3-D glasses), here is what it says:
Politian + CEO'S
S0LD our Jobs
USA (No FuturE)
Let this be a lesson to all you protectionist pickup trucks out there: Important rear-end messages such as this are best made by something more permanent than a whiteboard. Obviously some librul activists INFILDTRAYTED this marker board and changed the letters so it just looks like this is the work of an idiot who can't spell. [ Tyler Coates via Wonkette operative "Juli Weiner"]
weejee: You beat me to it! There is still plenty of good humor on Wonkette, but I surely do miss Juli. Also.
It's as well-phrased and spelled as a Palin tweet. If her teevee career doesn't work out, she can become a sign writer.