Science has finally proven what was always totally obvious: People who get their news from Fox News are the stupidest fucking idiots to ever exist. These cretins have literallyno ideawhat's going on, with anything. Whether it's believing that Republicans opposed TARP (it was a big business Republican program created by the Republican administration of George W. Bush, a Republican) or being unable to comprehend that average temperatures are rapidly rising (because it still snows in winter), the Fox News viewer is dangerous because the Fox News viewer isn't the kind to just quietly contemplate all the wrong shit they know -- they have totalkabout it, to everyone, which is why you can no longer even call a motherfucking plumber in this Nation of Idiots without having to politely tell him a hundred times to please shut the hell up about Barack Obama being an African Soviet or whatever. (Weknow, come on, that's why we voted for him! Of coursewewere wrong about that, but whatever.)
Anyway, the scientific evidence proves Fox News viewers believe completely wrong-ass backwards things about the stimulus, the economy, taxes, health care, the automobile industry bailout, unemployment, science, math and weather. Fox News viewers also have terrible taste in food, clothing, houses/trailers, music and religion, but scientists didn't bother putting that in the report becausecome on. [ Talking Points Memo ]
Why don't you just leave the country then? Move to Sudan or something.
Why don't you do some research and find out? Why do all you stupid cornholes want everyone else to do the work for you. There is a program on the machine you are typing on called GOOGLE. Use it. All the knowledge of the world is there.