Oh look, somebody sent us this "fact sheet" so you can Know Before You Go at the airport! Here are the people who should not get in the cancer tube naked-picture machines, according to science and the U.S. Airline Pilots Association:
1. Travelers over 65.
2. Women with high risk of breast cancer
3. HIV and cancer patients with weak immune systems
4. Adolescents and children
5. Pregnant women
6. Men (due to possible sperm mutagenesis)
In other news, unemployment will soon be solved by a massive "die off" (of people wealthy enough to fly). ALSO: Children under 12 will now receive "modified" pat-downs, meaning the TSA slobs will no longer ejaculate in the child's eyes. [ FireDogLake ]
Wow, the terrorists really have won! And defrocked priests are especially encouraged to apply at TSA.
Well, as long as he has all of his teeth and he doesn't want 5 minutes of uncomfortable eye contact.