Well, what is this all about? So many tips! We will just post them. Be careful, people who work around the Discovery TeeVee Channel Building in Silver Spring. Remember when Newt Gingrich said we don't need PBS anymore because now we have Discovery Channel shows about Sarah Palin and UFOs and "Ultimate Cheeseburgers" and all that? Well, he was obviously wrong.
"Some major shit is going down at the Discovery Channel building right now- traffic is shut down on all the surrounding streets, including the busy intersection of Georgia Ave and Colesville Rd, about 20 cop cars are all around the building... Some kind of hostage situation with a shooter. The cops are asking all pedestrians on the sidewalks to get out of the area and go inside somewhere... no one is on the streets. The entire building is on lock-down, we called a friend who works there and she said she couldn't talk on her cell-- they're in emergency mode. Our building is across the street and cops have asked us to lock all our doors, no one allowed in or out.!!!" --Julie
"I just got a tip from someone at Discovery that there's a gunman in the lobby and a SWAT team all around. I live IN NYC so don't have local DC news - you may already know this." - Heather
And that's all we know, check back later with WTOP or Rick Sanchez.
UPDATE: Hoo boy, the gunman posted his demands on a website. He wants Discovery channel to stop humans from reproducing, for the sake of the raccoons and "froggies." Which is a good idea and all, but you'd be better off taking over Twitter or WalMart or something. Discovery channel? Isn't that the one with the Hitler UFOs and the "ultimate cheeseburgers"?
I suppose the Squirrels will build a nest two blocks away from Discovery Channel to celebrate their (near) triumph.