The bow tie hobbits at the Daily Caller landed a hot interview with Neocon Mustache Ride "John Bolton" -- the premier authority on America's #1 most-pressing issue: When Do We Bomb Iran? Bolton explained to Tucker Carlson's gnome-slaves that bombing Iran is not in Barack Obama's "DNA," which sounds sort of racist! Questioning Obama's genetic makeup because he is too chickenshit to bomb Iran is not racist though, it is just critical, and that is why the Daily Caller gave John Bolton his very own fursona, "critic-in chief." If John Bolton was commander -in-chief he could stop being so critical and just bomb Iran instead. How about it, John?
“[I]t is a very great honor that anybody would even think of asking. I’m obviously not a politician. I’ve never run for any federal elective office at all and, you know, it is something that would obviously require a great deal of effort,” he said. “What I do think, though, and what concerns me, is the lack of focus generally in the national debate about national security issues. Now, I understand the economy is in a ditch and people are concerned about it, but our adversaries overseas are not going to wait for us to get our economic house in order.”
This is how U.N. elitists such as John Bolton say, "10% unemployment? Hmm. Oh, I know. Let's bomb Iran."
Thanks to Wonkette operative "Luke" for this terrible John Bolton-will-do-anything-to-nuke-Iran scoop! [ The Daily Caller ]
Somehow his "moustache rides" T-shirt doesn't sound naughty ... more like coach class on USAir.
After 9/11, America got to attack any two Islamic nations in the world. Afghanistan + Saudi Arabia, Egypt + Iraq, Pakistan + lower Manhattan. Pretty sure Bolton is saying Bush shoulda taken care of bidness in Iran instead of resolving his Oedipal issues in Iraq.
The "funny" thing is that a gas tax -- to balance the budget, help environment, reduce demand for offshore drilling, reduce imports and money flowing to countries that hate us -- would be regarded as treason by Repubicans. But a war with Iran, which would easily double gas prices at the pump, is some kind of moral imperative.
I guess "killing jobs" is bad, but "killing muslins" is good.
He is insane. All the neocons are f-ing amoral, insane sociopaths. They can in a reasonably normal way in polite society, but are depraved monsters whose sickness shows up when questions of murder and war come up. Did they also torture small animals as childern?