Where Is Your Sippy Cup Solidarity, America?
Here is today's obligatory "No Muslim Churches at Ground Zero" thing. It brings up a lot of great points (i.e. 9/11) so make sure you read it in its entirety. [ RedState ]
Governor Paterson vetoed important sippy cup legislation. What else is there to say? New York wants to keep the sippy cup down. [ Daily Intel ]
Matt Yglesias finally explains his postmodern concept of "the pundit's fallacy" (when Andrew Breitbart convinces the White House that Shirley Sherrod is a huge racist). [ Matt Yglesias ]
There is feverish warblogging going on at the global warming conspiracy hub ScienceBlogs. Nerds. [ The Daily Dish ]
If you were tricked into buying a broken iPhone from Steve Jobs, please help the free market mend its tarnished reputation by downloading this chic Ayn Rand fart app. [ Hit & Run ]