America's Favorite Comedy Duo Michael Steele and Andrew Breitbart To Host RNC Fundraiser
Michael Steele is having trouble not illegally hiding RNC finances, and Andrew Breitbart is having trouble not being a human poop-leech, so it is only fitting that these two comedic geniuses have joined forces to raise money for the RNC! Surely rich white people will want to take photographs with their favorite national joke and favorite national scumbag, so the Republican Party has set up this fun event in a few weeks in Beverly Hills.
Here is the WikiLeak of their welcome reception routine:
Andrew Breitbart: Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third...
Michael Steele: That's what I want to find out.
AB: Yes, they're all racist against white people
MS: Who's racist against white people?
AB: Yes, Who is racist against white people.
MS: That's what I'm asking.
AB: No, What I'm Asking provided me the video.
MS: What?
AB: What is a dangerous NAACP racist, like the others.
MS: Who's on first?
AB: Yes. The post on him will go up first.
MS: Who?
AB: You are incompetent. Yes .
MS: I'm just trying to figure out what's the name of the black person you will call a racist first.
AB: What's the second black person I will call a racist.
MS: I don't know, you haven't posted it yet.
AB: Right.
MS: Look, can you just hurry up and ruin those random black people's careers and destroy the NAACP? All of us here have reservations at lesbian sex shows we don't want to lose.
AB: Who is Reservations At Lesbian Sex Shows?
MS: Uggh, I don't give a darn!
AB: Oh, I'm going after him too.
Also, State Senator Jeff Dunham Denham will be there. IT'S A COMEDY GOLD MINE! [ TPM ]