Obama's Hair Is Weak On Defense (In Comparison)
Put on your PUMAs everybody, because Hillary Clinton is running for President! She made her official announcement over the weekend in the traditional style of a female, via her coiffure (which means "hairdo" in Arabic.) [ Fox Nation ]
Lindsay Graham loves partial-birth abortions so much, he legally forced them on all children, by voting for Elena Kagan. [ Gateway Pundit ]
Obama personally spent $50,000 of your tax money so that an illegal alien (Xenu) could feel less ashamed of his manhood in the locker room of his local YMCA. [ Human Events ]
John Stossel is very confused about immigration. If only he had some sort of mechanism for processing information and then coming to an informed conclusion. A brain, maybe?[ Fox News ]
Ironic hipstersUs Weeklydecided to place an interview with Bristol and Levi in their “Healthy Lifestyle” section of their site, because there is nothing healthier than unprotected, underage babymaking. [ Us ]