Andrew Romanoff Angrily Demanding Jobs From Everyone
Colorado whiner/Democrat Andrew Romanoff just keeps demanding fancy political appointments from everyone, from the governor to the president, and wah wah if he doesn't get what he wants he'll just run against the Democrat Senator from Colorado, because that's what widdle cwy-babies do when nobody changes their diapers fast enough. In his home state, it seems people have known about Romanoff's tantrums and demands for a long time. Let's look at this September 2009 article from theDenver Post, all about how Andrew only decided to put himself in a primary against the actual junior Democrat senator from Colorado after the governor wouldn't give him a sweet jerb.
From the September 4 edition of theDenver Post:
Andrew Romanoff set his sights on a race for the U.S. Senate only after the breakdown of several months of backroom negotiations with Gov. Bill Ritter to find an alternative political opportunity for the popular former state House speaker. Described to The Denver Post by several Democratic sources, the potential deal centered on appointing Romanoff lieutenant governor when Barbara O'Brien — who was considering other options — stepped aside.
Romanoff allies said Ritter finally told the veteran state legislator in a meeting between the two men in late June that he would not get the job .... Those discussions, which included three face-to-face meetings between Ritter and Romanoff over more than six months, partly explain the timing of Romanoff's consideration of a primary bid — months after allies advised him to and long past the deadline most political strategists considered wise.
Honestly, can everyone just stop feigning outrage over the chess game of politics now? We followed the Obama campaign pretty carefully, from the day it began, and we don't recall any specific or implied promises to stop trying to position Democrats to win House and Senate races. And no amount of livePoliticocubicle video of Mike Allen blinking weirdly onMorning Joeis going to change that.
BUT ... what's the deal with ambassadors, anyway? Are U.S. ambassadorstrulythe most qualified U.S. experts on their particular country? We'll have the shocking details, tomorrow at midnight on a very special MSNBC documentary,Convenience Store Security Cams: REVEALED. [ Denver Post ]