Greta Van Susteren Asks Who's Dumb, Fox News Viewers Say 'You Are!'
Mush-mouthed Scientologist and forgotten Fox News anchor lady Greta Van Susteren is a petulant child who battles her own viewers on her parody blog, "Gretawire." A viewer named Brian wrote in and said, "You have a mind like a seive [sic]. Your brain is empty." Is there anyone who would argue with that kind of plain fact?
Yes! Greta herself would like to dispute the point. So she asked somebody at to set up a fancy "online poll," so scientific legal voting could take place and results could be known, to one and all! And, well, blog readers think Greta's an idiot, the end.
In other words: Don't forget to vote in this important web survery! [ FoxNews via Wonkette operative "Brooke E."]