Posh-Ponce David Cameron To Beg Honorable Elizabeth Windsor For Her Government
Here is the scene in dreadful, leaderless Englandtowne right now, where posh-ponce David Cameron is on his way to the Palace to perform his latest rabbit-goblin dance for the delight of royal lady Queen Elizabeth, of the German-British ruling family.
The Queen shall then decide whether to allow Cameron to form a government on her rather indebted Island, based on the merits of his pagan rabbit-goblin skipping. Should the dance suffer from a deficit of spark , Cameron will politely request that Her Majesty do him the honor of chopping off his head.
The Guardian has more.
8.17pm: When Tony Blair became prime minister, he gave a speech announcing his victory as dawn broke over London. Cameron seems to have had equal luck with the elements. Apparently there is a rainbow over Buckingham Palace.
How delightful.