Liberals Sad Because Kagan's Not Marxist, Disasters Continue Killing America
Liberals arebutt-hurtbecause the Democrats always pick namby-pamby moderates for the Supreme Court while Republicans always pick unrepentant partisan hacks desperate to get the Constitution back to its pre-13th Amendment purity. But sometimes, Republican presidents screw up and accidentally pick a liberal. That's what happened with David Souter ... whatever happened to that guy, anyway? But at leastElena Kaganis a woman. That used to be kind of a big deal, a few years ago! [ New York Times ]Engineers will start stuffing "golf balls and shredded automobile tires" into thespewing oil holeon the Gulf of Mexico's floor where BP's oil rig and pipe and containment "dome" and everything else failed terribly, because why not? [ Washington Post ]
Yesterday's awful natural disaster was in .... Oklahoma and Kansas.Terrible tornadoesand thunderstorms killed at least five people and destroyed everything everywhere. [ National Public Radio ]