Freepers So Angry They Will Burn Toast At You!
The latest "put a food item in the mail to Washington, DC in order to send a strongly worded message to whomever" stunt involves ... a cooked bread thing! Note that bread does not appear even once in the Constitution, which is a smear on Ron Paul and our other Founding Fathers. This is why only toast can advance the cause of Freedom
As a gesture to all of the traitors that screwed over the United States of America last night, I propose the following:
Place a piece of bread in your toaster. 'Cook' it until it is charred black. Place charred toast in a suitable envelope. Mail said envelope to your representative in DC.
They'll get the message.....
How about this: instead of taking advantage of the Socialist mail service -- one that is about to collapse beneath the weight of its 14 bazillion obese pensioners with Cadillac retirement plans -- just pop that fucker in the fax.
[ Free Republic ]