How Many Americans Did Steve Doocy's Loose Lips Kill Today?
C'mon, everybody knows Barack Obama bought 14 million guns since taking office: Whitey is everywhere! And it gives Obama the heebie jeebies. [ True/Slant: F. Paul Wilson ]
Michelle Malkin has clearly mistaken the preamble to the U.S. Constitution for one of John Yoo's S&M legal briefs. A common mix-up; they read pretty much the same. [ Michelle Malkin ]
Trailblazin' techie Robert Gibbs finally retired his MySpace and signed up for The Twitter. Just look at him go! He is an inspiration to press secretaries around the world. [ The Caucus ]
Steve Doocy leaked top secret TSA airport security protocol on national teevee. GOOD GOIN' DOOCY, TERRORISTS HAVE TIVO TOO! [ Think Progress ]
Mitt Romney gets his first taste of "coach" and oh boy, was it sour ! [ TPM ]