Fat Cat Postal Service Spent Bazillions On Food Orgies And Retirement Watches
On a pleasant sunny day, have you ever looked up from your desk and glanced out the window at your friendly neighborhood mail carrier trotting around in little blue shorts issuing cheerful hellos and thought, "That is the best job ever invented by Jesus"? Many postal service employees would agree!
In addition to the cute uniforms, postal service employees enjoyed nearly $800,000 worth of meals and fun parties in just five months this year. One party featured crab cakes, beef Wellington, shrimp, and scallops. Throw in some deviled eggs and a pitcher of Harvey Wallbangers, and it would have been the fanciest party of 1962!
Also: $14,140 on movie tickets and $6,480 on retirement watches. Sound familiar? Yes, it is precisely this kind of spending that caused the fall of Rome.