New Website Helps You Avoid Jew Stores
Wingnut Christians have a powerful new ally in the War On Xmas: It's a website full of retailer ratings to let you know if maybe Jews or Atheists or (God forbid!) Muslims are making the Xmas Season less Christ-y! reports and decides on which chain stores (WalMart) know the "reason for the season," and which homosexual shops (Best Buy, The Gap) are trying to make nice with anti-American forces such as Muslims, Jews and Atheists. Let's review the reviewers!
One day, the Pagans will take back Christmas, because theyinventedit, but for now only Christians are unemployed in numbers large enough for a volunteer-force War on Xmas. And now that the season of Santa and Frosty is upon us, this is what's on the collective mind of America's disgruntled white Jeebus-followers (other than porn and extra-value meals, anyway):
"Me and my family shop at Dadeland Macys in Miami Florida.The Salespersons are very friendly and Christmas Focus.I am a very Aggressive and Bold person for CHRIST any store that i spend my money in they better tell me Merry Christmas or a VOID will be following in seconds."
"I was looking for a Christmas Sweater and told by a clerk that they had not carried Christmas Sweaters for some time. I was disappointed. They used to have sweaters depicting the 'Silent Night', the Three Kings, etc. I find I frequent the store less and less frequently." [The mythical Three Kings were Iranian Devil-Worshipers, did you know? -- Ed.]
Best Buy:
"I wish I knew about this store prior to my purchase. The service was good and they were friendly. No Happy Holidays, no Merry Cchristmas nothing. Now I know why. Last time I shop here."
"Just bought an ipod from Best Buy, but then learned of their anti-Christmas/pro -Eid al Adha actions. I so regret having purchased from them. Best Buy, give glory to the one who has allowed and attributed to your success...Jesus Christ, not Mohammed!"
"Great holiday prices and friendly staff." [Nice try, Mohammed Atta! -- Ed.]
"In your flyer advertising Black Friday the weekend before Thanksgiving, you had nothing regarding Christmas..instead you had Happy Eid Al- Adha...a muslim religious Holiday. This is the United States of America, founded on Chrisitan principals, not Muslim. I am disgraced by this and will not shop your stores until you recognize the religious holiday that prevails in the U.S. - Christmas!"
"It's so rude that Best Buy has a Muslim Wish on the front of their WebFlyer. This is America! Wish us a Merry Christmas! I will not be shopping at Best Buy ever again!"
The Gap:
"I was completely disgusted by the commercial on tv for the GAP. Not only was Christmas so casually mentioned, but to push the idea that it's ok to do whatever feels right is so obviously against God and His Word. I for one will no longer shop at any company affiliated with the GAP. I pray that others choose to join as well. I also encourage others to pray for the people involved that God could reach them in some way and change their hearts and minds."
"You have offended the U.S. majority (Christians) by equating the birth of Christ with Wiccan soltice. I'm curious as to to buying power of Wiccans compared to the buying power of Christians? This Christian respectfully WANNUKAHS to cancel my GAP credit card in person in my local store. Other Christians - please let your local store manager know in person of your decision to no longer support their stores."
"Just heard about Gap deciding against Christmas. They are comparing Christmas to cults and witchcraft and encouraging folks to celebrate the 'holiday' in whatever manner they see fit. Come on, Gap, take a stand for what is RIGHT - you benefit from our Christmas dollars for Christmas gifts. Because of their stand on Christmas, I won't be buying anything from Gap this year. Come on Gap! Celebrate Christmas! Jesus died for EVERYONE!" [Jesus *died* on Xmas? WTF? -- Ed.]
Eddie Bauer:
"I was made to feel very uncomfortable by their employees who would only respond to my 'Merry Christmas' with a 'Happy Holidays'. If they know I believe in Jesus, why can't they just wish me a Merry Christmas???"
"Shopping CHRISTmas friendly stores is very important to me. I do not believe that CHRISTmas advertising should begin until after Thanksgiving. The day to celebrate the birth of Jesus has become far more too materialistic, and seems to become that way more each. year. Loacally the CHRISTmas decorations, songs, etc. began before holloween. Absurd and disgusting. Thank God for Focus on the Family and all you do. God Bless each and everyone at Focus. Myrna"
Uh yeah because the BIBLE clearly commands that you can't have Xmas decorations before Halloween, jesus fucking christ, you people are all lunatics. [ Stand For Christmas ]