The anonymous Internet users of Twitter all responded with a rare "sexual" tone, in their anonymous comments, to the art photo Meghan McCain posted last night of two monstrous boobs reading an Andy Warhol biography together. Meghan was terrified! Had these folks already forgotten the tenets of the Lanny Davis Civility Pledge they were required to take a few weeks ago? At least the ABC News White House correspondent hadn't.
Joe Wilson, Serena Williams, Kanye West, and now Internet users responding Meghan McCain's boobs: This sierra has gone mike-foxtrot warp speed, and ABC News correspondent Jake Tapper is determined to stop it. Now show him your foxtrot hall pass or he's telling teacher.
[Colleagues -- pls bookmark Jake Tapper's super gay Twitter message here; remember to use code gimmick in future posts about JT]
[ Twitter ]
wow. time travel rocks!