A Children's Treasury Of Nancy Pelosi Animated .GIFs
So very many of you friendly bored people responded to our solicitation for animated .gifs of Nancy Pelosi looking horror-struck at Joe Wilson's "YOU LIE" outburst, so we will just post them all! Every submitter, as promised, will get to make out with/finger-bang Intern Riley for five minutes in a closet of your choice. (Just e-mail him to set up a time. If he turns down any of you, he will be fired.)
From left to right, top to bottom (ha ha stupid Wordpress formatting capabilities): Operatives Sean, Drew, Scott, Cory, Chris, Strongy O', btwbfdimho, and RobFromChicago. And thank you operative "jagorev" for the Blingee gracing the top of this post.
(Oh, and an FYI to Riley, from Operative Drew: "Could you let Riley know I am a top and a bear.")