Obama Joker Guy Is Dennis Kucinich Fan
Well, who knew! Turns out that the person who generated the amateurish Photoshop of President Obama all dressed up as Heath Ledger's most famous character short of a gay cowboy is, indeed, an amateur user of Photoshop! He did not append the dumb "SOCIALISM" tagline to the picture, though. That was the work of some still-anonymous doofus who found the Flickr page of Firas Alkhateeb and thought, "Hmm, what this really needs is a provocative but nonsensical word across the bottom."
Anyway, the revelation that the Joker artist is a 20-year-old college student from a Palestinian family who says "If he had to choose a politician to support ... it would be Ohio Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich," should put to rest any questions about the ascendancy of a dangerous right-wing Shepard Fairey.
Obama Joker artist unmasked: A fellow Chicagoan [Top of the Ticket]