Wingnut Hotel Millionaire Who Funded Prop 8 Dumps His Wife
La Jolla hotel developer Doug Manchester put up $125,000 to collect signatures for Prop 8, California's absurd anti-gay-marriage initiative intended to overturn Caifornia's legal gay marriages just to ruin people's lives, because why not, wingnuts is special. But now richie-rich Mr. Manchester, who previously claimed he was bankrolling the Prop 8 signature effort because of his deep love of being married to a lady, has cruelly dumped his wife of 43 years and is cold trying to ruin her lifestyle!
San Diego City Beatreports:
Elizabeth [Manchester] petitioned the court to guarantee that she have sole use of the La Jolla residence ... and that he restore the $100,000 so she can meet her monthly expenses of $131,625. These include nearly $20,000 on clothing and jewelry, $7,000 in electric bills, $1,700 in groceries, $4,901 in household supplies, tuition at three private schools for some of the couple’s 10 grand children, $7,500 in salary for the full-time groundskeeper and housekeeper, $1,200 in membership dues for the La Jolla Country Club and money toward the hundreds of thousands of dollars in travel expenses the couple was accustomed to spending.
So ... no sympathy for either of them! But they're old, so they'll be dead soon, in Hell.
Ironic divorce: Protector of traditional marriage Doug Manchester leaving wife of 43 years [SD CityBeat]