Nancy Pelosi Wants an MJ Resolution With a Public Option
You careless fools! Barack Obama's name is misspelled on a diplomatic agreement he signed with Dmitry Medvedev, which means ... Stalin gets East Germany back. How could this happen? [ RedState ]
Did Sarah Palin read a book, or stumble across Wikiquotes? And is there a difference? Let's ask Plato. [ Think Progress ]
The American Hostage Crisis is finally over! [ Swampland ]
What do Nancy Pelosi and Michelle Malkin have in common? Besides having lady parts? They both detest Michael Jackson and his Kingdom of Pop. [ The Caucus ]
"Are Crows The Smartest Birds EVER?" Watch the video! Take the POLL! Did space monsters abduct Arianna Huffington, and then "probe" her? Watch the video! TAKE THE POLL! [ HuffPost ]