At Least Mark Sanford Doesn't Pretend To Love His Wife
Barack Obama forgot how he met Michelle, his wife, his guiding star! You've only been married to the woman since 1992, Barack. Jesus Lord. And last year he forgot to get her a wedding anniversary present, so he swung by Radio Shack after work and picked up a lousy DVD box set. Ugh, the DVD box set is for the twentieth anniversary! [ Swampland ]
Had a poopy day? Well that is nowover,because theGuardianis servin' up the feel-good tonic of the millenium with this, the wacky story of Binyam Mohamed! It's more fun thanThe HangoverandTransformers Twocombined, times ten! Savor every word. You will love it. It is a happy story. Go! Go read the happy story! [ Guardian ]
The Democrats want to pass a resolution honoring Michael Jackson, but Michelle Malkin no likey -- it's just another piece of legislation full of pork-barrel spending! John Boehner read the resolution over and over again on the House floor, for sixty entire minutes, because the voters deserve to know what's in this piece of shit. TEA PARTY! [ Michelle Malkin ]
Screw health care! You know what we really need? It's almost too obvious. [ The Caucus ]