Abortion Haters Go Nuts, Really Nuts, At Notre Dame
By now you should all be familiar with K-Lo's Papist Army Rebellion at Notre Dame, where wingnuts are mad that President Obama -- whose morning routine includes having a MASSIVE partial-birth abortion between potty and tooth-brushing time -- will be the University's commencement speaker. A Wonkette operative in South Bend writes: "How are you not writing about the Abortion Plane?! I’m here at Notre Dame, future speaking site of President Obama (unless he wises up and makes a run for it), and the ever-awesome Center For Bioethical Reform has hired a plane to circle over campus over the last few days, trailing a giant fetus poster." And in a later e-mail the operative adds, "They brought baby carriages and fake blood, too!" But the best part here is a letter the Center for Bioethical Reform sent in response to one student who had asked them to maybe stop being so annoying. It includes such gems as, "The sewers of South Bend are literally running red with the blood of Notre Dame’s children." LITERALLY.
We're including Greg Cunningham's phone number because he is probably a good target for prank calls. If you cannot read this full letter, we have bolded some "fun" sentences.
Thank you for writing. As someone about to graduate from Notre Dame, you say you “don’t think it is fair to have your home bombarded with disgusting [and disturbing] images.” Come now, [REDACTED]: If these babies were just blobs of tissue, would you be so distressed at these pictures? How could the images be “disgusting” unless abortion is “disgusting?” And if you think abortion photos are “disturbing” who aren’t you more disturbed by abortion itself? Why do you care more about your own “comfort” than you care about the survival of the little children who are being slaughtered? Is that what the priests taught you at Notre Dame; that your comfort is more important than someone else’s life?
You admit that the “majority” of Notre Dame students voted for Mr. Obama. That means they must not be allowed to graduate in comfort.No one should be allowed to become comfortable with baby killing. Many of your classmates have had abortions and many more will have them in the future. Some of these students, at least those with functioning consciences, could be talked into saving their babies if they were forced to look at what abortion is and does. We know that from our extensive experience with these pictures. You can read their testimonials for yourself at www.abortionNO.org. These students need truth more than they need comfort.If pro-abortion students are going to revel in the presence of this serial-killer president, they need to squirm in the presence of the babies he is killing. Most abortion supporters want to be able to kill babies and have the evidence swept under the carpet.No more, [REDACTED]. It is only fair that pro- abortion students be forced to look at the carnage their votes are making possible. Then we will see if they are still so “excited,” as you say, to have Mr. Obama address them.
You say Mr. Obama is coming to honor you. We are going to make your class look at the hidden reality for which he stands and then you can all better decide how much of an honor his presence actually confers on you and your classmates. You say he is not coming to discuss abortion. That is correct but he IS coming to signal that abortion should be of little concern to Catholics. We intend to forcefully rebut that contention, not with arguments, but with pictures. You find it “disrespectful” that we would force our “extremist” message on your class, but as I asked above, how could an abortion photo be “extreme” unless abortion is “extreme?” We find it disrespectful to butcher babies. If you think the use of the term “butcher” is an exaggeration, then why do you find abortion photos so “upsetting,” to use your term?
We want your family and the family of every graduating senior in Joyce Center to have these sickening pictures gaging them as they applaud the man who glorifies this carnage. Our avowed purpose is to respectfully, lawfully, ruin this ceremony; not to be vindictive but to force people to stop acting as though everything is normal at Notre Dame.It is not normal for a Catholic institution to honor a man who supports infanticide. The sewers of South Bend are literally running red with the blood of Notre Dame’s children. We are going to figuratively pry open the manhole covers and force the entire university community to smell the stench of death.No more business as usual. I assure you that by the time the Class of 2009 has received their diplomas, both “town and gown” will be more bothered by abortion than they ever dreamed possible.Every time they look at that diploma, framed on their wall, we want them to see a dead baby.Then perhaps they will take this issue as seriously as the graduate of a famous Catholic university is obligated to take it.
Lord bless,
Gregg Cunningham
The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform
P.O. Box 219
Lake Forest, CA 92609
Office Phone, 949-206-0600
Cell Phone, 714-240-6976
Again, the blood running through the sewers is literal , but they are only going to pretend to open the sewers up to let everyone smell the dead babies everywhere. And that's a cop-out.